The Success Center provides academic support specific to our student’s learning needs as suggested by their most recent psycho-educational documentation. By continually monitoring our student’s academic performance, our specialized staff are able to help students realize their own potential through direct instruction, as well as with differentiated classroom support.
The following learning differences, but not limited to, are addressed within our Educational Support Services:
Attention Deficit Disorders (ADD, ADHD)
Executive Functioning
Processing Speed deficiencies
Gifted and Talented
A psychoeducational evaluation is a comprehensive assessment that determines how a student best learns. It measures different types of reasoning, memory and working efficiency. The documentation does need to be updated every 3 years to determine what changes should be made to the current accommodations. This documentation will help the support staff develop an Instructional Services Plan that will be tailored to the student’s individual needs.
At St. Mark, we develop an Instructional Service Plan for students with current formalized documentation. The plan is designed to remediate or enhance the learning experience for the student. It is created using the formal documentation, curriculum benchmarks and both parent/teacher feedback.
As a team, this data will help determine what accommodations will be needed to help the student be most successful with the grade-level curriculum and then it is documented in the Instructional Service Plan.
The initial meeting consisting of both parents and staff will be held close to the beginning of the school year. Follow up progress meetings will be held during the middle of the year as well as the end. The last meeting will put a preliminary plan in place for the beginning of the next school year using their current teacher’s feedback.
Once the completed application with supporting documentation is submitted, our admissions team will contact you with next steps in the process. Space in our support program is limited in order to adequately meet the needs of all our students.