Lunch Relief: 1-2 Times/month
Take the class to lunch and give the teacher a lunch break, or help with student’s lunches, opening milks, etc.
Contact your homeroom teacher.
Copies/Laminating: 1-4 Times/Month
Help teachers prepare for classes by making copies or laminating EC- Bridge artwork, etc.
Suzanne Thompson: sthompson@gostmark.org
Library: 1-2 times/month
Re-shelve and organize library books
Suzanne Thompson: sthompson@gostmark.org
Help your homeroom teacher by coordinating and communicating with parents regarding class parties, teacher recognition, and other school events.
Lillie Lindner: roomparent@gostmark.org
PSIA Coach: 1 time/week OCt-Mar
Coach students in certain subjects for academic competition.
Learn more about PSIA.
Dr. Crystal Bandy: psia@gostmark.org
Book Fair
Help plan and coordinate volunteers for our annual Book Fair.
Blair Pogorzelski: bookfair@gostmark.org
Help plan an evening of food, fun, rides and games for the whole community!
Arwen Mallet: fallfestival@gostmark.org
Assist in planning our annual Clay Shoot!
Tony Lofton: clays@gostmark.org
gala committee
Help SML plan a fantastic party and raise funds for special projects!
Complete gala volunteer interest form.
Monica Watkin: gala@gostmark.org
Assist with field maintenance, stocking the concessions or coordinating parent volunteers throughout the school year.
Christian Watford: cwatford@gostmark.org
Kroger Card
Kroger has a fast and easy-to-use program that offers St. Mark 5% back on purchases! Here's how it works:
1. Register your Kroger Plus card online at kroger.com. If you don't have one, pick one up at your at the register when checking out.
2. If you are a new online customer, click CREATE AN ACCOUNT and follow the steps to complete the process.
3. Navigate to Community rewards and search for St. Mark Lutheran Church and School.
4. Be sure to select the St. Mark in Houston, Texas.
It's that easy! Remember, purchases will not count until you register your card!
Annual Fund giving specifically goes to offset the cost of tuition assistance at St. Mark for those in need.
Every dollar raised through your Annual Fund contributions directly offsets this cost, freeing up additional funds for facilities and program enhancements while supporting our strategic initiatives. Most importantly, it helps many of your child’s friends and classmates experience a St. Mark education.
An online account is required. This enables us to send you an end-of-year tax receipt and allows you to manage and monitor your giving.